Whether the artwork is a Pantone spot color or a color build of cyan, magenta, yellow and black – there are a few factors in getting the color to print the way it is expected. The color builds in a file are not always represented correctly on a computer (more times than not), or device monitor, because all monitors are calibrated differently. The color build in your file might be set up to print CMYK (4-color process), even though you wanted to print a specific Pantone color. There are some colors printed in CMYK (4-color process) that have the tendency to shift slightly when printed, reds and blues tend to shift more than yellows, browns or greens; unless, we have a specific Pantone color that we are aiming to print. The more specific on what type of color build you require for a custom design, the more accurate the printing will be. If you have a specific color in mind talk to us about it, we can help you identify warnings before it goes to print.